Orientation workshop on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Case Management

Section: GBV Workstream Date: 10-12 September 2024 ACCESS 2 is excited to announce the upcoming orientation workshop from our Strategic Implementing Partner UNFPA for GBV case management in Kampong Thom province. Purpose of event: This workshop aims to orient and provide training to future case management and stakeholders involved in supporting GBV cases to understand the basic concepts of case management and identify opportunities for cooperation for survivor-centered service provision. Participants: ​ This workshop will include participants from: Line ministries. Sub-national government (Siem Reap,...

Opening ceremony of the Women and Men Wheelchair Basketball Court at Battambang Physical Rehabilitation Center

Section: Rehabilitation Date: 29 August 2024 ACCESS 2 is excited to announce the upcoming event from our Strategic Implementing Partner, ICRC: the opening ceremony of the women and men Wheelchair Basketball Court at the PRC in Battambang. Purpose of event: To promote social inclusion for persons with disabilities. Participants: ​Honourable guests who are representatives from: The Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, and the National Paralympic Committee of Cambodia. Battambang Provincial Governor Japanese Ambassador DFAT representative IOs/NGOs both in Phnom Penh and Battambang...

Workshop on strengthening of referrals between Health Care Facilities (HCF) and Physical Rehabilitation (PRC) in Sihanouk Ville

Section: Rehabilitation Date: 12 July 2024 ACCESS 2 is excited to announce its upcoming workshop under rehabilitation section, at Sihanouk Ville. Purpose of event: Identify current and future challenges and opportunities in strengthening collaboration and referrals between HCF and PRC. Establish a joint workplan, between HCF and PRC, to strengthen the quality, sustainability, and better access to rehabilitation services.   Participants: ​We are honored to invite honorable guests from: Representatives from provincial government including Deputy Provincial Governor, Provincial Health Department, Provincial Department of Social Affairs, Veterans and...

First Disability Inclusion (DI) Inclusion Workstream Meeting

Section: Disability Inclusion Date: 30 July 2024 ACCESS 2 is excited to announce its upcoming DI workstream meeting, at Phnom Penh Hotel. Purpose of event: To review and endorse the terms of reference (TOR) for the DI Workstream. To present main activities to be implemented under Year 2 (Jul 2024-June 2025), main progress to date, key upcoming events. To identify: Synergy activities under the DI workstream and across workstreams. Key topics to be documented and shared in the coming workstream meeting. To share relevant policies, strategies and information.   Co-chairs...

First Provincial Coordination Committee (PCC) meeting in Kampong Speu

Section: ACCESS 2 wide  Date:  16 July 2024 ACCESS 2 is excited to announce its upcoming meeting, in Kampong Speu province. Purpose of event: To provide members with a brief on ACCESS 2 key progress made (Sept 23- June 24). To present the annual workplan for Year 2 (July 2024- June 2025). To identify and agree potential areas of synergies in the coming quarter.   Participants: ​We are honored to invite participants from: Sub-national level ACCESS 2 focal persons Strategic Implementing Partners (SIPs): Legal Aid of Cambodia (LAC), CARE,...

Siem Reap Provincial dissemination workshop and introductory Provincial Coordination Committee (PCC) meeting.

Section: ACCESS 2 Wide Date: 6 May 2024 ACCESS 2 is excited to announce its upcoming workshop, in Siem Reap province. Purpose of event: Introduce the ACCESS 2 program, sub-national authorities, and Strategic Implementing Partners (SIPs) to relevant stakeholders across all target provinces. Present the key interventions of SIPs in target provinces. Increase cooperation between sub-national authorities, and SIPs to relevant stakeholders. Participants: ​We are honored to invite participants from: Subnational authorities. SIPs: PAfiD, UNICEF, LAC, TPO, UNFPA, CWCC.  Organised by: ACCESS 2 Expected number of participants: Approximately 80...

Disability Inclusion (DI)- Strategic Priority Agreement (SPA) Workshop

Section: Disability Date: 2 May 2024 ACCESS 2 is excited to announce its upcoming workshop, at Sunway Hotel. Purpose of event: Agree on the programs’ key priorities and indicators to best aligned with the Prevention of Violence against Women (NAPVAW) and National Disability Strategic Plan (NDSP), and other relevant policies and will be used to develop a multiple year framework for action, collaboration, and accountability among all stakeholders, including the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY), the Disability Action...