Provincial Dissemination Workshop of ACCESS Program

ACCESS will conduct a series of sub-national workshops on 28th October in Siem Reap, on 31st October in Kampong Cham and on 5th November in Kampong Speu to engage key governmental and non-governmental stakeholders from three priority provinces to discuss the implementation and coordination of program interventions.

Disability Inclusive Development Workshop

ACCESS will organise a two full days workshop on Disability Inclusive Development on the 23-24 May, 2019 at Cambodiana Hotel. The workshop aims to provide participant staff from the Disability Action Council (DAC) and disability focal points from line ministries with information and practical guidance on disability inclusive development practice that will assist them in their responsibilities to design and implement policies and programs that specifically target and are inclusive of people with disabilities in line with the new National Disability...

Workshop on 2020-2022 Budget Strategic Plan Preparation

ACCESS will organise workshops on the Budget Strategic Plan (BSP) Preparation on the 24 April with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation and on the 25 April with the Ministry of Women's Affairs. These workshops aim to facilitate the dissemination of the Ministry of Economic and Fiance’s instruction for 2020-2022 BSP preparation for both ministries.

ACCESS Program Launch

The Official Launch ceremony of the Australia-Cambodia Cooperation for Equitable Sustainable Services (ACCESS) program will be held on Thursday 21 March 2019. The ceremony will be co-chaired by HE Dr Ing Katha Phavi, Minister of Women Affairs and HE Dr. Vong Sauth, Minister of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation. This will be an opportunity for the invitees to get to know the ACCESS program’s overall purpose and objectives. The ACCESS launch will also coincide with the launch of the call for...