Jul 24 2020
July 24, 2020

Mainstreaming Training on Gender Based Violence (GBV) for Women and Girls with Disabilities

Sector: Disability

Purpose of event: To contribute towards capacity development for mainstream employment services in terms of inclusion and GBV mainstreaming services as well as capacity development of DPO and to minimize cases of the sexual harassment against women with disabilities at the workplace.

Expected Participants: Battambong Disabled People Organization, Battambong Women Federation, Provincial Department of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (POSVY), Provincial Department of Women Affairs (PDOWA), Representative of National Employment Agency, Provincial Department of Labor, Vocational Training, Provincial Police, Provincial Court and Physical Rehabilitation Center.

Facilitated by: Ministry of Women Affairs (MOWA), Banteay Srei Organization and Cambodia Disabled People Organisation (CDPO)

Expected number of participants: 25

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