May 02 2024
May 2, 2024

Disability Inclusion (DI)- Strategic Priority Agreement (SPA) Workshop

Section: Disability

Date: 2 May 2024

ACCESS 2 is excited to announce its upcoming workshop, at Sunway Hotel.

Purpose of event:

  • Agree on the programs’ key priorities and indicators to best aligned with the Prevention of Violence against Women (NAPVAW) and National Disability Strategic Plan (NDSP), and other relevant policies and will be used to develop a multiple year framework for action, collaboration, and accountability among all stakeholders, including the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY), the Disability Action Council (DAC), Disability sub-national authorities, and Strategic Implementing Partners (SIPs) under DI workstream.
  • Agree on principles and ways of working to facilitate the cooperation between relevant stakeholders.

Participants: ​We are honored to invite honorable guests from:

  • Government focal persons at national and subnational levels:
  • Strategic Implementing Partners under Disability Inclusion Workstream: CDPO, CARE, PAfiD, and UNICEF.
  • DFAT and ACCESS 2 team members

Co-organised by: ACCESS 2

Expected number of participants: Approximately 25 people