The staff retreat for the first year of the ACCESS 2 program ended with smiles.

The ACCESS 2 team went on their first staff retreat in order to help with team building and ensure that everyone has the same goals for the program. This staff retreat also reviewed the ways of working within ACCESS 2 and included game activities related to our program’s focus on improving the quality of services for people with disabilities and survivors of gender-based violence.

The staff retreat facilitated staff sharing and learning from one another, and was a unique opportunity for the team to grow stronger through engaging in team building, fostering closer collaboration, and creating cherished memories.

These activities allowed staff members to initiate ideas, experience teamwork, and engage in problem-solving.

Additionally, there were boat tours along the river and exploration in Kampot town, allowing staff to discover the iconic and beautiful landscape of Kampot and its way of life, as well as engage in group trekking on the hillside.

As part of the activities, staff members had the opportunity to take group photos capturing these great moments, creating unforgettable memories.

The retreat concluded on a high note, with joyful experiences and fun and a commitment to continue working hard to achieve success for the beneficiaries of the ACCESS 2 program.

Feedback from the staff on the retreat’s arrangements and activities was collected at the end to inform planning improvements for the next retreat. The majority of the staff expressed high satisfaction with nearly every aspect of the event.