Join us to celebrate the 113th International Women’s Day with ACCESS 2 on March 8, 2024!

The Australia-Cambodia Cooperation for Equitable Sustainable Services – Phase 2 (ACCESS 2) held its first celebration of International Women’s Day on March 6th, continuing to raise awareness, celebrating women’s achievements, and discussing new ways to continue to empower women and girls through our own work on ACCESS 2.

This year’s global theme, “Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.” along with the local theme, “Women and Girls in Digital Transformation,” highlights the importance of promoting gender equality and women’s participation in digital spaces.

The ACCESS 2 team continued to call for activism in promoting gender equality, sharing recent statistics on gender equality in Cambodia and exploring new approaches towards eliminating all forms of violence and abuse against women. Staff shared their real-life advocacy examples and perspectives on raising awareness, promoting gender equality, and supporting women’s rights.

A couple of quotes presented by staff included – “In meetings that I chair, I would ensure that women participants have equal time to speak as men do” and “Girls belong in school, not in kitchen”.

ACCESS 2 Team Leader, Sophia Casson, stated in her closing remarks, “On International Women’s Day, we remember that as long as one woman faces discrimination, harassment, inequality, or oppression, we all do.”

Let’s continue to work towards gender equality and women’s rights!
