Australia, through the ACCESS 2 program, continues to champion the integration of Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) within Cambodia’s Commune Investment Programs (CIP). This initiative aligns with national strategies such as the National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women (NAPVAW) and the National Disability Strategic Plan (NDSP), ensuring that individuals with disabilities and survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) have improved access to inclusive, quality services.
In collaboration with provincial administrations and with support from the Australian Government, ACCESS 2 recently conducted orientation workshops across Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, and Kampong Speu provinces. These workshops aimed to enhance awareness and embed GEDSI principles into the three-year rolling CIPs. Key stakeholders—including representatives from Provincial Departments of Women’s Affairs (PDoWA), Provincial Offices for Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation (PoSVY), district administrations, GBV Response Working Group members, commune authorities, and ACCESS 2’s Strategic Implementing Partners (SIPs)—actively participated.
The workshops addressed core GEDSI principles, such as differentiating between sex and gender, understanding equality versus equity, and recognising the impacts of intersectionality on vulnerable populations, including ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and the LGBTI community.
Notable outcomes from the workshops include:
- Facilitators from ACCESS 2 and Provincial Departments effectively engaged participants through presentations, group discussions, and case studies.
- Participants, many encountering GEDSI and ‘Do No Harm’ principles for the first time, gained valuable insights into applying these concepts to their three-year rolling CIPs and five-year Commune Development Plans (CDPs).
These sessions equipped participants with practical skills for integrating GEDSI principles into their daily operations. Participants expressed strong confidence in advocating for gender-responsive and inclusive budgeting in commune plans, aligning with ACCESS 2’s Intermediate Outcome of improving the quality of services in target provinces and ensuring effective referrals to essential GBV and disability services.
The positive outcomes from these orientation sessions reflect progress towards ACCESS 2’s End-of-Investment Outcomes, specifically enhancing the quality and reach of GBV and disability services across target provinces (EOIO 1) and embedding GEDSI considerations in national and sub-national policy and planning frameworks (EOIO 2).
ACCESS 2 remains committed to fostering locally led, sustainable development through strategic partnerships and capacity-building initiatives, reinforcing Australia’s ongoing support for equitable and inclusive community services in Cambodia.